Did you know that participation in an on-going exercise program improves symptoms, and may slow the progression of Parkinson's Disease? Get some exercise every day!


Dance for PD

DANCE FOR PD in Santa Cruz continues on Wednesdays.

Dancing is one way we can all keep moving and have fun at the same time. Classes are currently held via Zoom and in person at Motion Pacific Dance Studio.

131 Front Street, in downtown Santa Cruz

Classes are held on Wednesdays, from 1:00 to 2:15pm except first Weds of each month.

Classes are free to participants (PWP and partners).

For more information, contact Molly at mekatzman@gmail.com

More information about Dance for PD can be found at http://danceforparkinsons.org


These Classes are independent of EASE PD, Inc.
This listing is provided by EASE PD, Inc as part of our mission to support to People with Parkinson's Disease in Santa Cruz County

EASE, PD is led by a group of caring volunteers who are not medical professionals. Please use your discretion before making any decisions based on the information on this website. The authors strive to provide readers with accurate and helpful information.

The Parkinson’s oriented classes listed here, and provided by businesses in our community, have proved useful for many of us. We appreciate their commitment to serve our PD community. Remember, participate in activities based upon your ability to do so safely. Check with your physician if uncertain.