What is EASE PD?

We are a 501(c) (3) non-profit corporation in Santa Cruz County, California. Our mission is to develop and sustain exercise, activity, support and education programs/resources in Santa Cruz County specifically tailored for persons diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease (PD).

How do EASE PD’s goals support the Parkinson’s community in Santa Cruz county?

  • Work cooperatively with local PD groups and groups providing services for People with Parkinson's to:

    • Promote awareness and participation in existing programs and services for the PD community throughout the county.

    • Create a local centralized source for PD referral and information.

    • Encourage local support networks for families and caregivers of persons with PD.

  • Actively seek funds from private donations and grants, and hold fundraisers, to support exercise and other therapeutic activities tailored for persons with PD.

Donate by Credit Card

EASE PD, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) non-profit. Contributions are tax deductible. 100% of your donation goes to support EASE PD supported activities. Donate to EASE PD, Inc using a credit card by clicking the "Donate by Credit Card" button. Checks may be sent to:

3848 Vienna Drive
Aptos, CA 95003

WeBsite Requests

Please send corrections, updates, link requests, and any other website requests to info@easepd.org.